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May 11, 2007



It's a pretty tight sock to begin with. Maybe go down a needle size when you get to the instep? Don't forget that socks are written with negative ease. I guess you could cut out a repeat and fill in with stockinette on the instep. It will completely change the look of the sock.

My sock yarn had 360yds and I had a 1/4oz left over after I finished both socks as the pattern specified. If you're cutting out stitches, that might help.

Add Knitter

I have to say that that speckling is a feature of self patterning faux fair isle, it happens a lot it seems:(


Cara: Thanks for the tips. I'm swatching with 2.5mm needles (the smallest I have at the moment), and the Celestial Merino I'm using seems thin enough. If that doesn't work, I'm looking at how to make the pattern 14 sts wide instead of 16. I have ugly practice yarn to experiment with now. ;) I'm also going to knit the perls per fiberjinx mods AND go toe-up. So, these are barely going to be monkey socks. Perhaps these are Monkeys after Mojitos.

Add: Bugger that's disappointing. Maybe they forgot to turn off the speckle machine when they ran the stripe yarn job. Get Knitted says that multiringel has been discontinued. No doubt.


Maybe they had the speckle-filter on the camera when they took the picture!

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