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July 15, 2007



Uff da--after reading your many reasons it's clear that frogging was the way to go...and you hit the nail on the head with the 'chore' concept. I mean, didn't you get into knitting for the enjoyment of it all?? Thanks for the heads up on the Panda Cotton...who knew such a cute yarn capsule could wreak such havoc??


I'd follow my heart and frog those babies all the way! I haven't knit Monkey yet, but only hear good things.


Where'd you get that fab cartoon strip? I agree, PSSO's are the worst for a splity yarn, which may otherwise be manageable. So, I'm going to chime in and vote to frog for Monkeys. (Ha ha, a non-knitter would have no idea what that sentance means.) Good luck!


Frog it all! Otherwise it'll just not sit right with you and you'll end up frogging it at the end. Save your time now and frog it.

Do something even more yummy with the yarn.


Frog away, my dear! Life is too short to not enjoy our knitting. I rather like the Panda Cotton, but you are right, it's terrible splitty. I used it on the Coupling pattern and at first I had a hard time with it, but once I got the hang of the pattern I didn't have as much trouble with the splitting issue.


Frog 'em completely! If you don't "feel the love", get rid of them! I think they look really cute, but I'm not the one knitting them. Move on to Monkeys or something that will make you happy. And I love the comic strip!


Wow you guys are eager for the frog. ;)

I haven't decided to kick these to the curb just yet. I got all ready to frog them this evening, but then I started to think that they didn't look so bad after all.

I might give it another day or so.


I'd vote monkeys all the way - it sounds like you've already made your mind up about it


Me vote for Monkey too! You are knitting two socks at once too? i think it's such a good method! That way you don't have to worry about getting tired of the patter by end of the first sock!


Oh well. Guess it had to be done!

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