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November 08, 2007


Grad School Knitter

Heheee... it's true. When you see expensive knitted items and you know you could make them just as nice (or nicer) and in the colour you really want, it's like you're "saving" money by knitting it for yourself!! It would be a crime NOT to buy the yarn!!


Wow, that definitely justifies buying the yarn you want, in the fiber you want, and in the color you want. For the price of one those cashmere hats, you could buy more than enough 100% cashmere from Colourmart to make both of them.


Awesome! Real Simple is my favorite magazine and I do get a lot of inspiration from them. Totally justified!


You are so funny! I just love that Misti Alpaca, I think it might be their logo that did me in initially!:)


And what is so "simple" about spending hundreds of dollars on a knitted hat? At least knits are fashionable.


Darn it! I thought those were patterns!

Funny post, very true.


Those are some gorgeous picks. Ekk about the prices.


I'm blown away at the cost of those hats!! Stunning, I definitely feel better about my stash that will eventually become wonderful handknits.

Lori G.

I'm working on the chunky wool blend beret and the brown Peruvian wool hat ... having trouble with the beret ... any pattern suggestions? I've tried both knitting & crocheting and was unhappy with both.

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