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November 05, 2007



Love that bath mat and the bath tub is très retro!:) Can't wait to see those FOs...


Bring them on! The bathmat looks super comfy. You had me considering it until you gave the details. I think I'll save myself the hand cramps and admire yours!


Gnarly talons! Pruney tootsies! You're killing me!

So glad you made it through the Ordeal by Triple-Stranding. Sometimes my gnarly talons are just in the mood for a weekend of bathmat knitting, you know?

xox Kay


It is so very nice! Great bathtub!


That did turn out great! Don't you love the way it feels when you step out of the tub? Wow, what a tub you have.


I love that bathmat! I might have to make one myself! Can't wait to see your FOs.


Wow, it looks so great in those colours, particularly next to that rather cool bath.


The bathmat is lovely! I'm looking forward to reading the blog posts when then leave your head and find their way to the page.


I love the bathmat! I really think I should buy the Mason-Dixon book. I keep seeing nice patterns in it.

But seriously, how on earth have you found time to knit with sorting out your house?! We moved over a week ago and I simply haven't had the time to even find my needles, let alone use them. This makes me sad :(


Very cool bathmat! Love the tub. :)


I would like to propose not to wait until you get big sum of money to buy all you need! You should take the mortgage loans or just secured loan and feel yourself comfortable

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