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November 10, 2007



You are too funny with you '$$$ raffia' comment!!


That is a very pretty headband. It doesn't look a bit scratchy in the photos. I'm going to have to add headbands to my loooong list of must-knits. My daughter always needs something to keep her wild curls out of her face.

I hear you on wanting better equipment. I'm all about digital these days. It's the only way I can get great shots of my kids.


I love that headband! I'll have to add it to my must knit list!

I love my camera. I have a Canon S630. It's got giant screens and it has the anti-movement thing so I don't really take any blurry pictures anymore! :)


Cute headband!


It's really cute! And good idea with the icord ties. I hate the bunchy in the back thing too.


Cute headband! And a duh moment since I also hate the swaths of fabric -- i-cord. Duh. Maybe the swaths of fabric work if you have long, full hair. Even when I have long hair, and it is dense, but not thick, a swath of fabric underneath looks like I'm trying to hide an enormous growth.

cheer bows

I'd like to make something like that too. I have just began learning how to knit. I'll be back here when I get to learn the basics properly. Hehehe.

christian louboutin

*This was an age of innocence and happiness.

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