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September 26, 2008



Hey, it's good to see a post from you! I thought about you during this year's summer of socks and wondered where you were. I've moved on from being a sock knitter to a sock pattern designer. I hope you do keep posting.


Hey girl!! Nice seeing you again. Sucks about the being kicked out part. But it's good to hear you are doing well being a two income family agian, yay! for that!

Hope to see more of you. :)



So lovely to see you posting again :) I understand completely about not posting or knitting when you have a full time job. I find myself knitting more during the holidays. I never find myself knitting much during the week either.

Don't be a stranger. Stay around :)


So great to read about what's new and what ypu've been up to. Evicted? How utterly insane! You know if you don't have knitting pics you could always post one of that naughty little Beagle;)


welcome back. It's always okay to take a break, as long as you come back. :D


I'm glad that you're checking in and hopefully you'll be back to posting more often!

not an artist

Well if it helps, I'm 9 days behind on reading so don't feel too bad. Welcome back, and I hope to see more updates soon!


Long time, no see! Glad to see you back at the blog:)


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