I've been away far too long. So long, in fact, that my Blog software has been upgraded, and I'm not entirely sure how to use it.
That's really pathetic.
I've basically been way overbooked, which is good in that we are once again a two-income family here at Casa O'Postraphe. I didn't have a job for a year and half while we lived in Holland, and that... well that sucked on a lot of levels. I did knit and blog A LOT. But, we didn't have much cizash, and all my pals were virtual. It's good to have money, but I miss some of the free time I used to have. I'm hoping to restructure things a bit in the coming months, relax a bit more, snuggle up in front of our new fireplace, and knit - lots!
Oh, yeah. You didn't even know that we had to move - AGAIN! One day last July we were negotiating a renewal on our lease, and then the next day they were kicking us out. We were only in the house 10 months! That wrecked my whole summer, and I'm only just now catching up. Oh and then there is the Wii. --shakes head in shame--
Needless to say, I haven't been knitting. Like at all. Way back when, I did finally finish the Peruvian hat that I was ripping off from "Real Simple." I frogged it several times, but finally came up with something that worked. It turned out AWESOME and the recipient loves it, even though I gave it to her the last wintry weekend in DC. I want to write out the pattern and knit another for myself this Fall. Any excuse to knit with Misti Baby Alpaca Chunky is a good one.
I also finished my "secret socks" only to totally ef up the cast-off. The leg holes are so tight that I can't get them over my heels. I must have lost my mind because who does a regular cast off for socks? I tossed them into my basket in a huff, and am too scared to look at them again. We're talking two colors, two socks at once - a hefty project. I don't know how to recast a cast-off. Anyone?
I plan to start knitting again tonight - working on B's sweater, the one he no longer believes he'll ever wear - while we watch the presidential debates tonight. I'm actually pretty close to finishing the back, and I'm hoping the sleeves will move quickly.
I have another pair of socks on the needles using the hand-dyed yarn Meghann sent me last year. I started them sometime back in the winter, and now I don't remember what pattern I was using. D'oh. Sigh.
What I really want to knit is a wrap - specifically the striped poncho thing from "Wrap Style" (Ravelry link). Problem is that I don't have the yarn for it. And I really should be knitting with all that yarn I have. Bugger. What to do? What to do?
Anyway, I plan to photograph old FO's, and post them over the weekend. Then I hope to transition back into my knitterly/bloggerly life. I hope some of you still have my pathetically untended blog listed in your Bloglines, and that you'll eventually come back.
Knit On, ya'll!